"A chanel a day keeps the doctor away."- Rachel Zoe

Monday, September 20, 2010

Got Boots? Neither Do I

After giving it much consideration, I decided not to continue the three day marathon of the fashionable actresses on Gossip Girl. I just wasn't feeling it today. Instead, what I have decided to focus my attention on is my unsatisfied yearning for a pair of great motorcycle/combat boots. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been dying to get my hands on a pair of  lace-up, rugged, kickers of my own for quite some time now. My sister had a pair of combat boots from her freshman year of high school and I never let her forget how odd they looked. But now these boots that my cousins and I all teased her about, have actually became stylish, and she's the one laughing at me! You see, now she has this killer pair of boots left over from her goth/punk days, while I, the sister that used to tease her about how bizzare they were, am stuck saving my money to find a pair of my own. I have finally taken the motorcycle-boot-hunt to the next step, the internet. Here are some of my favorites I have found online. Now the question is, which will be THE boot?

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