"A chanel a day keeps the doctor away."- Rachel Zoe

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Buy A Shoe, Give A Shoe

Many of you, I'm sure, are fans of, or at least heard of, TOMS Shoes. These shoes have become increadably popular for how simple they are. The reason they are such a huge hit is because not only are they stylish, comfortable, and made to fit every personality, but the TOMS company has made a very special promise to everyone who buys a pair of their shoes. For every pair of TOMS Shoes purchased, one pair will be donated to a child in need. "One for one." This weekend I finally got my very first pair of TOMS. I am now a proud owner of their red canvas style shoe, and I could not love them more. Infact, I happen to be wearing them as we speak! Anyways, I just wanted to put up a post about this great company and encourage you all to invest in a pair of your own. Not only will you have a great new pair of everyday shoes, but you will be helping a child in need and help to provide shoes for those who can't provide for themselves. So here are a few of my favorite styles. If you don't find the perfect shoe for you here, visit http://www.toms.com/, to find your own style. I hope you see one you want!

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